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HIP work  is one of the most  necessary treatments that we will prescribe in our office. Although rarely is your actual pain into the true hip, because of all the muscles involved through the glutes, back and leg muscles, the hip is a key component to a HUGE number of our treatments in the office. The idea of “Rehab to Go” is to get you involved with your own care at home. By being an active part of your own recovery, you will minimize the time needed for recovery and save a lot of money at the same time!


TAK balls – this will be longer than the 3-4 minutes typically allotted for Tak ball work as there will be multiple muscles involved.  Be sure to scan the Glutes as you rmain area of adhesion and treatment – the glutes are the controllers of the hip and low back and our true “core”. More than likely, this is where the issue is coming from.


Quads, Hamstrings, Low back and all the smaller muscles surrounding the hip need to be evaluated as well. You’ll have to be creative – many of the TAK ball moves will be lying on the floor, but you can also attack a lot with a ball in your hand utilizing twisting and body movement.


When you find a hot spot remember the 3 rules of TAK ball release

  1. COMPRESSION – Let the ball get in deep and break up adhesion

  2. SHEAR – Move the balls in multiple directions and try to break up the fascia restrictions. Twist the area if you can

  3. PIN AND STRETCH – Move the knee. Try to compress and make the muscle slide and pull under the pressure. Move the joint above and below. (I know it is embarrasing but Pelvic thrusts really help release these sticky spots!)


Glute Strength Exercises

I can’t emphasize enough the need to make sure you can activate and contract your glutes. It is amazing to see how many issues we see at the clinic that are glute related. Use Mini-bands, the Hip circles and the contraction exercises we’ve shown you to get the glutes back on board.


The idea behind the Mini Bands, and Hip Circle is that you pull in the opposite direction of the specific activity. This forces  the muscle to activate the way you need it to.  (example: if your knees cave in on a squat you would have the bands pulling your knees in.  This forces you to activate and pull the knees out thereby RETRAINING your body to move correctly)


It is very important that you have the tools and the drive to do your homework with issues involving the hip. These issues are complex and take time and homework. Get back in the game and get to be an active part of your own recovery!


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